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“Each of us believes himself to live directly within the world that surrounds him, to sense its objects and events precisely, and to live in real and current time. I assert these are perceptual illusions. Sensation is an abstraction, not a replication of the real world.” Vernon Mountcastle

Quote from YouTube Video: Kavli Prize Laureate Lecture – The Restless Brain

The Life Goals Planner


“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”
Jim Rohn

You are about to embark on a journey of questions and answers that will begin to make your life truly significant in this vast universe and this world of rapid change. It is all too easy to lose sight of what is important or to feel insignificant in this world especially when things change, don’t work out or just don’t make sense. This a common struggle for all people from time to time. Our universe is so huge we have to measure it in light years. In one year light travels 10 trillion kilometers. It is 30,000 light years from our earth to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our home, the Milky Way Galaxy, consists of more than 100 billion stars. Around those billions of stars are planets. On one of those billions of planets there is life, and one of those billions of lives is you.

With that perspective it’s pretty easy to feel insignificant. The truth is you are not insignificant. In fact you are totally unique and special. There is not another person on this planet and beyond for all we know, that has the same finger print as you, that has the same voice pattern as you, that has the same eyes as you. In fact because of the unique experiences your life has had, good or bad, there is no one on this planet that sees this world the way you do or thinks like you. Because of this you are totally unique and special. Don’t you see how important it is to ask yourself big questions and continuously grow. Don’t you see why it’s so important to get in tune with your passions and your major life’s purpose. By your growth and development, becoming the most that you can be, you make your life much more significant and the world a more valuable place. The Life Goals Planner wants to make that kind of contribution. Not to give you great answers, though you will come up with many of those, but to ask you courageous questions, to draw out of you ideas, engage you in the process of realizing your dreams and goals, aligning you with your major life purpose and promoting continuous growth and development to become the most that you can be. Believing that life and success is a journey and that happiness and true fulfillment is a process the Life Goals Planner helps pave the road that leads to purpose, meaning and direction.

The Life Goals Planner is much more than one of the best tools on the market for clarifying your goals, maximizing your time, talents and creative abilities. The Life Goals Planner is a life planning tool, a way of thinking about the most important things is your life. It’s a way to free you from the burden of feeling you have to do this or have to do that and never seeming to do what’s important and what gives your life meaning and purpose. Each one of us has an incredible opportunity to live a unique, rewarding and fulfilling life. I believe if you engage in the process of becoming the most that you can be, if you intend to do things in a specific way (set goals), if you pay attention and adjust your course when necessary, you will make a positive difference in this world and be totally satisfied with all that you have and all that you have become.

We are not a product of our past! Even though our past affects us in many ways we are a product of our present choices. Everyone has the ability to make new choices, develop new habits and disciplines that lead to tremendous clarity and awareness to be an extremely effective human being. The Life Goals Planner is rooted in what I call the three C’s, the characteristics or gifts that separates humans from the rest of living creatures. The selecting and planning of life goals, values and creating a compelling vision and mission are some of the highest level activities humans can perform. This is where real transformation takes place.

Conscience – believing that you and only you knows your true wants, needs and desires and only you can make the right choices. That we all have an inner sense of morals and truth that can lead and guide us in our life.

Creativity – the ability to create, design and change. That engaged in the Life Goals Planner processes and personal development one can design a life, set goals and bring about almost anything that we desire.

Choice – the gift and challenge of free will leaves us with a tremendous responsibility to make our own choices. Without purpose, meaning and direction (vision and goals) we will consistently fail to make the kind of choices that make the most of our resources.

We cannot control other people or our results, but we can engage in processes that helps us choose wisely, respond appropriately and become the most that we can be. This program will be something that comes to life in you. It will increase your clarity, sensitivity, awareness, motivation, and discipline. It will increase your performance, efficiency and effectiveness. This in turn will positively impact everything you do and everyone around you. It never fails to amaze me how disconnected people can be between their goals and life’s purpose. If you don’t have your goals clearly defined then you have been suffering from an enormous disadvantage in being able to get what you want and enjoy the journey with some sort of balance. Not only will you fail to get what you truly want or make the kind of difference you truly want to make but life will seem to take everything you have in the process. And that’s why creating a plan, a strategy that is consistent with your values and major goals is so critical to your success. It is why these processes are so critical to the ultimate meaning we are talking about. We are here to help you in the life long process of identifying, planning and acting upon what is truly important to you.

You are going to have to face some facts and define what it means to have a successful life. An honest look at ourselves can often be disappointing or we can be fearful of uncovering something we won’t like. Face the truth of what will likely happen if you keep doing things the way you are doing them. Most of us realize if we don’t change we are going to use up our life and miss the things that matter most. Don’t wait until the doctor tells you to slow down or your loved one leaves. This is where it all starts, life defining goals and values, the true foundation for everything else that happens in your life. Do not miss this clarification or you risk missing everything that means something to you. The need for clarity has never been greater. The vast amount of choices can cause us to stagnate and get off track. The flood of information is overwhelming, and everybody is trying to get you to believe this or that. If it does not come from within you, then it probably isn’t for you. More than ever before in the history of mankind it is crucial that you are clear on your goals, your values and the direction you want to travel. If you are clear then all of these choices and information will serve you and not distract you. You will begin to thrive on change and the incredible opportunities that you have to make a difference in your world. In The Celestine Prophecy a wise priest said “The problem in life isn’t finding the right answer but identifying our current questions”.

Engaging yourself in The Life Goals Planner’s questions over and over again is engaging yourself in the miracle of the process. The process of looking, the process of seeking and the process of finding. It is the scriptures that promise; “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” In fact it is the process of personal development and more important the process of greater understanding. Growth is the path to understanding. Becoming more aware and a more conscious human being is a process that is never ending. The process never ends but understand that one can develop and fine tune the way in which we go about it and become a significantly more alive person experiencing life to its full along the way. That is an introduction of what the Life Goals Planner is about. I could write a complete book about the value and results you could gain from this planner, but mere words hardly describe what you will experience as the process of growth takes you on a journey to become the most that you can be.

~ Brian Tracy ~
“Goals are the master skill of success.”

~ Zig Ziglar ~
“With goals you can more fully realize your maximum potential.”

~ James Rohn ~
“Goals are designing a life versus making a living.”

~ Denis Waitley ~
“Goals are your road map to success.”


Definitions key to discussions:

  • Fact: A fact is a statement that is true and can be proved with evidence.
  • Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested by the scientific method. A hypothesis has not been tested.
  • Theory: Scientific theories are distinguished from hypotheses, which are empirically testable conjectures, and from scientific laws, which are descriptive accounts of how nature behaves under certain conditions. Theories have been rigorously tested and widely accepted by the scientific community who agree the theory best explains the observations or phenomenon we experience.
  • Scientific Method: The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
  • Empirical Evidence: Empirical evidence is the knowledge received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation.
  • Reality: Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
  • Delusion: A delusion is a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
  • Insanity: Insanity, craziness, or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.